Yoga creates an inner flow
As humans we are meant to move, walk and exercise our bodies regularly. Some have a stronger need to do that than others. Some like to walk, some like to run, some like Yoga. While our motivation and intention to do exercise might differ, the purpose of doing exercise is the same.
The other day one of the yogis shared that he was surprised how hot he felt during the yoga practice. He described how he enjoyed the feeling of the muscles lengthen and the body cool down towards the end of the practice while being fully present. He beautifully summarised the five principles all exercise is rooted in: to burn energy, to move energy, to breath, to stay focused or clear our mind, and to enjoy this feeling of flow (depending on how creaky our bodies feel that day).
In yoga we use the Sanskrit terms of tapas (heat, inner fire), drishti (focus), pranayama (breath), bandas (energy locks) and vinyasa (flow) to describe these principles. As a yoga teacher, I build these principles into my classes by using poses that create an inner fire, so we can burn emotional and mental blocks, and release physical tension. In each pose I speak to the alignment of breath and movement, so we can stay present and flow. It is those tools that help me everyday to cope with whatever life throws at me. The immediate positive effect is why I love practicing and teaching yoga in my spare time.